Friday, May 6, 2011

Game Review: Praetor

Bored of Tetris clones and card games? Fan of strategy board games and have a craving for some pirate slaying, gnome smashing, dragon feeding fun? Go download Praetor!

Praetor is a strategy game mixed with some elements of deck building games like Magic the Gathering made by Random Software. You play as a SRoman general named Scipio (or whatever else you want) who's sent to invade some island only to be ship wrecked on arrival.

The game is a turn based strategy game on a hex grid where you're pitted against various enemies with different abilities. Each unit you can play has a different amount of speed, deals different damage, and has different amounts of both armor and health. However things get a wee bit more complicated as you encounter wolves which can attack twice a turn or Hastatus or Triarius which get tougher and hit harder the more tiles you have next to eachother in phalanx or Golems which stun people.... The list goes on.

As an added element you have other non-creature tiles you can play like Javelin which hits a creature that's within at most two squares of one of your troops or Campsite which gives you one more energy (used for "casting" or pretty much everything else like moving and fighting) for each of your troops next to it but can be destroyed if your opponent can get near it.

All in all it's a very good game and I am eagerly awaiting the next expansion. Best dollar I've spent in a long time. I suggest you get it!
Posted with BloghuB for Windows Phone 7
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1 comment:

  1. Episode 2 for Praetor is due to release in just a few weeks--double your content, double your fun. Thanks for the review. :)

    --Richard, Random Software
