Friday, April 29, 2011

App Review: Project Emporia

Ever get tired of scrolling through Google news for something you actually care about? Have a few different topics you like to stay informed on but really don't care what Charlie Sheen is up to? Have I ever got an app for you! It's called, "Project Emporia" and its a news reader app for Windows Phone 7.

Emporia lets you save a couple different (or if you're like me a lot of) topics then feeds you any news or interesting tidbits of info including blog posts that pertain to said topic.

Find an article you really like and emporia has a couple things you can do with it. First off you can save it so no matter how long ago you read it it's on your phone for you to show your friends, your coworkers, your dog or the waitress at that club you like. Also if you have a twitter account you can tweet about it right from the app! Living in the dark ages and don't have a twitter account? No worries! So long as you gave an email account synched with your phone (you've done THAT right?) you can email a link to the article to someone you know... Or don't know and can guess at an email address.

All in all its pretty snazzy and seems really polished. The only real thing I see it missing is the option to share via Facebook. That would be swell.

Go get it!

Posted with BloghuB for Windows Phone 7
Search Engine Submission - AddMe

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Update Review: NoDo

Once again Microsoft has given me a reason to come back and shout out my love of the OS to the blogosphere. Nodo has arrived for my HD7 on bell (a week or two ago but I'm a lazy blogger) and is chalk full of great features!

First thing that comes to mind is that copy and paste is here! It's really here! Really! For real! Also its a lot smoother then it was on my old WM6.5 device Microsoft really came through on that one.

Next best (at least for all of us gamers) is a boost in loading speed while resuming apps, particularly apps that are heavy in graphics. No more waiting two minutes to resume Zombies after my coworker sets the phone down without telling me it's my turn.

Then theres the generic bug fixes and improvments on both search and the marketplace. Still have issues with bluetooth headphones not working with videos though. Seriously Microsoft if you read this FIX THIS it's so annoying when someone sends me a link to a youtube video on the bus and suddenly my phones making loud noises and my headphones seem to suddenly stop existing.

All in all I'm very pleased with the update and am still in love with the OS. Cant wait until mango ships! /happydance!

Posted with <a href=";id=a1303275-51f7-df11-9264-00237de2db9e">BloghuB </a>for Windows Phone 7