Monday, July 18, 2011

What was I doing again?

No more will we have to wait for the Zombies game to load after responding to a text message! App switching is here! Well almost, its coming in Mango.

All you have to do is hold down the back arrow on your device and up pops the task switcher. This lets you switch back to something you were doing up to FIVE apps ago. It will be a joyous occasion when that finally hits.

Imagine you're playing a game, and you get a text message with a link to a hilarious youtube video. Before Mango you had the choice to either watch it now then have to wait for the game to load and possibly lose your place or wait until you're done. Once Mango arrives you'll be able to go and watch that video, share that video to facebook, send a text back to your friend saying how you liked the part where the guy got hit in the nuts with a pogo stick and then jump right back into your game with no loading!

How sweet is THAT!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Well the title says it all! Bing is getting some great improvements in Mango! We'll get access to "Bing Vision", "Bing Audio", Turn by turn voice navigation and the new "Bing indoor maps"!

Bing vision is kind of neat, it's a lot like google goggles if anyone who reads this blog has played with that. it will let us scan bar codes, QR codes and Microsoft Tags. It will let us take a picture of a DVD, or book, or movie poster and then search Bing for things that relate to said object (like buying it on amazon).

Bing audio is a bit more of a mystery from what people can tell it's like Shazaam or Midomi and you hold your phone near a speaker and it tells you the song that's playing. Wonder if it will tie in with the Zune marketplace so you can find a song then download that song right from inside Bing. That would be swell.

Turn by turn voice navigation for Bing maps will be mighty handy. Don't think I need to go into too much detail here I'm sure everyone has seen a GPS before.

Finally there's the new Bing indoor maps. Ever go to a mall and wander around in circles about five or six times wondering where the hell EB Games is? No more! Bing fixes this (at least in the states at the moment, nothing good ever makes it up here to canada) You will be able to pull up an indoor map of most shopping centers complete with where the different stores are. That's pretty damn cool.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

More power to the Peoples hub!

Mangos done it! Its finally done it! You know in the future... The Peoples hub is good now! Its not just a list and a Facebook status list now (read Now as 'When mango launches')

The peoples hub is getting a LOT of work done to it, a whole series of improvements and face lifts. So much so even Michael Jackson would be jealous! First off, Twitter is now there so you get to see something other then just Facebook statuses!

Next on the Awesome List is the option for groups! You can create groups of contacts in the peoples hub now, Friends, Coworkers, Family, friends of mine who own Windows Phones, Whatever you want. What this new group lets you do is have a single place to check Facebook, Windows live and Twitter updates of all of the people in the group in a single "Whats new" window. It has its on area of the hub for Pictures the group has posted to Windows live and Facebook. Lastly you can see updates, peoples check-ins, missed calls (voicemail too), texts, and emails from these people.

Cool stuff!

Know what else they fixed? Hint its similar.....

The Me hub! It now actually has a purpose now! Basically it has all the features of a group, but just you're there. So its an amalgamated area for missed calls, texts, emails, check ins... You can set your IM status so people can chat at you from MSN or Facebook. You can see all your Facebook notifications so you can clue in when Someones posted a comment on a photo of yours.

Actually has a very nice video showing all of the above right... Here

Friday, July 15, 2011

App list

Just a tiny feature added but a great one. If your app list is getting very long (much like mine) Mango makes launching the app you're actually looking for so much easier. Once you get over 45 apps, the app list to the right of your home page will actually get the little letter headers like in the people hub. You know that thing where you tap a letter, it shows you the alphabet, you choose "s" and suddenly you're looking at Sam, Sandy, Sarah, Sue, etc? So launching BloghuB I just need hit the B and bingo bango bongo its there!

Also they're adding a search feature so if I have an exorbitantly high number of apps and don't want to have to scroll through my WHOLE "b" section I need only type the first few letters of the app I'm after and, guess what...



no really guess...

Yes! You're right! It shows you the app you're after and you can tap to launch! You know, just like the iPhones spotlight search, or vista/windows 7's "Start Bar". Who cares who had it first all that matters is we have it now.. Erm.. Will have it in September? October? Whenever this damned update actually goes live. Man do I want that to be tommorow...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Messaging hub changes!

As you might have guessed from yesterdays blog post. Today's mango feature is the new improved and very shiny Messages hub! Now when you go to the messages hub and start a conversation with someone you now have the added options of messaging them over MSN if they're online there. Over Facebook chat, if they happen to be on Facebook, or if they're offline on both MSN and Facebook (they might be dead if that's the case with my friends) all messages sent will instead be sent as text messages! If they suddenly come back online on either service without having to do anything any of your messages will go to these instead!

The neat thing here is you get to keep the WHOLE conversation (not just snippets that happened to be the texting part) in your threaded messaging hub all together. The only thing I'm confused about is if they are both online on Facebook and on MSN at the same time I'm assuming that we will have a choice of WHICH to message them on and don't spam them from both sides at once (now doesn't that sound unpleasant.... )

Man hubs rock don't they?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mango Feature Rumor:

For my first micro-blog post, I bring you a feature I'm looking forwards to a fair bit. Developers are gaining access to... something, don't ask me what it is... but what this something means is suddenly VOIP is possible for WP7 apps! Yes, yes this means Skype. Skype has officially announced that it will have a WP7 app available as of the Mango update!

Finally I can save some minutes calling Long distance by Skype'ing instead! Whether or not this means I will have access to Skype text chat from the phone is another matter. If it does turn out that Skype chat is available I sure hope it rolls in with.....


... See tommorows update!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Filler Post. Nothing to see here...

So once again I have run out of things to blog about. All the apps I want I already have and already use and have already reviewed. There have been no new updates since my last "Update Review" so there's nothing to see there. None of you readers have made any suggestions for topics so I've decided to do something that everyone else has already done, talk about mango.

Everywhere you look on the internet (at least everywhere you look while searching for information about Windows Phone 7) you see posts about Mango this, Mango that. So I realized, if you can't beat em, join em! Of course, knowing me, I'll put a BIT of a my own spin on it.

So for the benefit of the new guy I'll start off with the answer to, "What is Mango?". Well first off it's a tasty citrus and is great in smoothies, more importantly though its the code name Microsoft has given to the next major WP7 update. Actually its closer to making it Windows Phone 7.5 (this thing really blows NoDo out of the water). According to Microsoft there are over FIVE HUNDRED new features added. How many exactly will the end user (Read: You) notice? Actually most of them, and this is where my idea kicks in. Each day I will make a Micro-Post about one new feature I've noticed!

Be warned in advance, I'm lazy and forgetful. Days WILL be missed. Also, I have no idea as of yet how long I will continue doing this. It may be 500 posts and go long into the lifespan of Mango or might only be this post and like two or three more. You'll just have to keep coming back to find out!