Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gaming on the HD7

Hey guys, guess I lied about the fast and plentiful updates, this phone has been so amazing I haven't found the time to stop playing with it and write a post.

Today I'll be talking about gaming on the HD7. I've been doing a LOT of that lately, mostly on these three games from XBox Live: "The Harvest", "Zombies", and "Ilomilo".

The Harvest is an adventure RPG set in the future. You pick a character type (I'm playing as Scarab and he's a beast at mitigating damage) and off you go to save the human race from an alien invasion of "Harvesters". As you progress you get more special abilities, unlock special characters, find gear and learn how best to destroy everything nearby.

Zombies is a direct copy of the famous board game and is also loads of fun, more so with friends. It's you're basic screw your neighbor, zombie killing, survival horror/comedy game... Ok maybe it isn't so basic but it's still a barrel of laughs when you play "Your shoe's untied" Five squares from the escape helicopter.

And lastly but not leastly (leastly?) have "ilomilo" a puzzle game where you try and reunite the two friends Ilo dand Milo. Move block defy gravity, operate catapults, find more friends and more. The greatest thing is how immersive and addicting this game is, you use your accelerometer to look around corners or over ledges so playing this game you will find yourself pointing your phone around much like your parents and your old Sega controllers while playing Road Rash...Or maybe that's just me...

Moral of the story? GAME ON!

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