Friday, February 18, 2011

App Review: BloghuB

Hey there! I figured for my first official app review what better app then then the one I'll be using from now on for all my blogging on the go, BloghuB!

Despite only having played with this app for a short while I feel myself falling in love! It has a few glaring issues like no autosave (so if I back out to main menu to respond to a text or someone calls me I lose the whole post... Which by the way sucks this is the third time trying to post this) but has plenty of great features.

Lets start with formatting. This app gives you all the basics, bold, underline and italicize work as expected even with multiple options on at once. It has plenty of choices for font size from big to littleand lets you change bothfontcolor and highlightcolor.

You can align left

You can align center

You can even align right

It has a dedicated link button and you can snap a photo and add it right from the app... but apparently it doesn't work.... At least with blogger...

If you blog a lot or even a little grab this one!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's here! It's finally here!

My HTC HD7 has finally arrived and I am so far loving it the UI is super responsive, the web browser is nice and snappy and pinch to zoom is SO FLUID it's unbelievable! I'll get into some more indepth reviews later on but for now theres just a couple things I wanna say I love...

1) Wireless sync with Zune software, no need to plug it into my comp to sync which, with my limited USB slots, is one hell of a boon no more need to unplug my printer to put media on my phone.

2) The super LCD screen is quite frankly gorgeous. Really crisp and clear with vibrant color, not quite as high contrast ratio as my friends Galaxy S's SAMOLED screen but its a huge leap past the standard amoled on my old Omnia I8000.

3) Xbox Live support - Havn't gone too in depth into this yet but so far its been useful was playing with my phone when I noticed somone on Live wanted me to join them in Black Ops, just one more way the phone is described as a "Social genius"

4) The peoples hub. I know android has this too but coming from an iphone and WM6.5 it has brought a smile to my face almost every time I pick up my phone. Have my girlfriend and friends Facebook pages on my homepage who post a LOT being able to see the comment and post on it without having to launch a dedicated app is wonderful.

Anyways, I'll leave the rest for later! Off to enjoy my phone!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

And we're back!

Guess what faithful readers who have most likely forgotten about this blog, I am back and with exciting news! I'm transforming this blog from its current state into a blog devoted to the new Windows Phone 7 OS!

I know you guys are going to be sad about the lack of updates for WM6.5 and of course my Omnia II but... well.. seeing as that's now an outdated phone and a discontinued OS I've gone ahead and ordered an HTC HD7 from Bell Canada and am EAGERLY awaiting its arrival! Once it gets here be sure to expect (at least until I get bored again) more posts about useful tips and tricks and many reviews!

The Phone is due to arrive sometime next week so hang in there!