Despite only having played with this app for a short while I feel myself falling in love! It has a few glaring issues like no autosave (so if I back out to main menu to respond to a text or someone calls me I lose the whole post... Which by the way sucks this is the third time trying to post this) but has plenty of great features.
Lets start with formatting. This app gives you all the basics, bold, underline and italicize work as expected even with multiple options on at once. It has plenty of choices for font size from big to littleand lets you change bothfontcolor and highlightcolor.
You can align left
You can align center
You can even align right
It has a dedicated link button and you can snap a photo and add it right from the app... but apparently it doesn't work.... At least with blogger...
If you blog a lot or even a little grab this one!